A Typical Day
For Children Ages 3-6*
The prepared environment allows children to follow and engage their interests and to succeed on their own as they learn through the process of trial and error. Its spaciousness lends itself to quiet and simple elegance through the use of soft colors, a minimum of wall displays, and child sized furnishings. Didactic materials are placed on low shelves and are organized into the major areas of learning:
Practical Life- children learn care for self, others and the environment: buttoning, tying, sweeping, pouring liquid, plant care, cutting and serving food;
Sensorial- Children use all 5 senses to improve intellect in classification and organization;
Language Arts- Development of vocabulary, reading and penmanship;
Mathematics- Beginning activities with concrete counting and number recognition progressing to more abstract mathematical problems and concepts;
Cultural Studies- Music appreciation, dance, creative movement, dramatic skills, students learn songs in variousl languages, exposure to quality artwork and access to a variety of different art supplies.
*Children entering into the Early Childhood Program must be bathroom independent in order to be considered for admission.