Montessori at Sandy Ford is a 501 c 3 Non-Profit Organization.
Please click on the "Donate" Button at right to make a cash donation to Montessori at Sandy Ford. All Donations are Tax Deductible. Our Tax ID # is 56-1447248
As a non profit, we are eligible for grants from other agencies. Does your employer provide grants or matching funds for non-profit organizations? If so, please let us know!
Montessori at Sandy Ford Annual Fund
Our Annual Fund invites participation from all segments of the MSF family. At its heart, the Annual Fund is a group of fundraising activities focused on a single goal: to support the operations of this school. We do that through fundraising events and a solicitation mailing that comes to your home. Tuition covers only a portion of your child's education costs. The purpose of the Annual Fund is to gather additional funding for our school so that our children benefit from the finest education possible. These funds supplement the annual operating budget to ensure a high quality education and exceptional teaching staff for all of our children, and provide financial reserves for unplanned expenses and/or unexpected opportunities. We are committed to maintaining affordable tuition rates for everyone, and our tuition continues to rank below that of comparable Montessori schools in the region, even as we have funded and constructed our beautiful new school facility on a spacious 5 acre campus.
Whether you are able to give $2, $20, or $2,000, the act of participation is what we deeply desire from our school families. We seek one hundred percent participation from parents and grandparents. Please help us achieve that goal with your support of the Annual Fund this school year. Your support of the Annual Fund ensures the quality programs and extraordinary staff that make Montessori at Sandy Ford the special place it is today.
Endowment Giving
ENDOWMENT: An endowment is a fund that yields interest that can be spent while the principal remains invested. The original donations to the fund are held in perpetuity. The more money given and invested into the fund, the greater the interest income that becomes available for spending.
Financial Stability: A funded endowment demonstrates we have come of age and are deemed a mature organization by the community.
Our economy is volatile and inconsistent. Donations over the last decade are evidence of this. When the economy fluctuates, donations go up and down as well. An endowment provides a safety net by ensuring a certain and consistent income, which can smooth out rough spots in the budget from year to year.
Planned Giving
One of the greatest gifts a person can leave on earth is investment in the future through planned giving. Consider leaving a lasting gift for our school as your legacy and help other families experience the benefits of Montessori at Sandy Ford.
To leave a Planned Gift, or Legacy Gift, please contact the school for additional information.
Mary Helen Cline
Head of School
2931 Sandy Ford Rd.
Newton, NC 28658
Phone 828-294-7478

Learning to Love, and Loving to Learn
The children in a Montessori class are given the freedom that is the liberty of the human being, and this freedom allows the children to grow in social grace, inner discipline, and joy... "Excuse me", said a child to a visitor commenting in a classroom that this was the method where children do as they liked, "I do not know if we do as we like, but I know that we like what we do."
-Maria M. Montessori,
Preface to The Secret of Childhood