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A Typical Day



Each month, students will be assigned dates to bring the results of the month’s work to school.  They may choose to share the project with peers at a special “circle time”, place the finished project on display in the classroom or explain it privately, to a director only, if that is preferred.

The following ideas have been utilized by students in previous years:

  • origami demonstration           

  • playing a musical instrument

  • original art work 

  • dramatic reading                       

  • art with pressed leaves

  • video-taped interview with an expert         

  • model and report on a planet

  • book report in character costume             

  • report on ancient civilization

  • memorizing and illustrating a poem           

  • poster and report on dirt bikes




For Children Ages 6-14

The Elementary program is comprised of two distinct classes, the Elementary Classroom for children ages 6-9 and a Junior Classroom for children ages 9-14.


The Elementary program offers a continuum that builds on the Primary program experience. Montessori lessons are organized into the following areas:

  • Language Arts- including, but not limited to grammar, penmanship, vocabulary, foreign languages, capitalization and punctuation, reading comprehension, research, creative writing.

  • Mathematics- including, but not limited to basic and complex mathematical operations , fractions and decimals, measurement, metric system, problem solving, geometry, algebra.

  • Geography

  • Botany

  • Biology

  • Physical Science

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Zoology

  • History

  • Practical life

  • Art

  • Music- including chorus and music appreciation

  • Computers and typing

  • Reading-A special focus upon building children's confidence, comprehension, and vocabulary, while instilling a love of the written word. The curriculum and classroom library expose the children to a variety of classic literature, poetry, and non-fiction

  • Field trips and outdoor activities- bring valuable multi-sensorial learning experiences into practical life, geography, history and life science studies.



Although directors prepare the environment, plan activities, offer stimulation and options, and serve as facilitators and models, the children motivate themselves to learn. Their natural curiosity, their love of work, and a sense of community are stimulated and nurtured by the prepared environment, the didactic materials, and the other individuals who are a part of their world.



Each student's progress is tracked and measured on an idividual basis, and teachers assess and create a learning plan for each child. 



Students are not given daily homework and are encouraged to spend their time after school exploring and doing extracurricular activities.  Each student is required to complete and present a self-directed home project each month on a subject of their choosing.



Students in 3rd and 6th grade complete 3 days of standardized testing. MSF uses the TerraNova achievement test, the most respected, valid, and innovative national achievement test on the market. The standards are rigorous, benchmarked, and require students to show, demonstrate, and produce their work. As always, MSF does not "teach to the test". In fact, the only thing students are asked to do to prepare is to get a good night of sleep and a good breakfast each day.


Mary Helen Cline, 6th grade teacher, said after the testing, "It was satisfying that my students sincerely thanked me at the end of each day's testing. They thanked me for providing an enjoyable, comfortable testing environment, and for making them feel special and appreciated."


Here are some student quotes about the testing:


“It was challenging but it was really fun because we got to do so many different things all together that we don’t always get to do in a whole week. You get a little nervous beforehand, but also you’re looking forward to it.” Girl - 6th Grade.


"It was fun. Definitely some of it was challenging, some of it was easy. I got to have really good food, and Hatch and Visa (dog and cat) are funny when they get into the house." Boy - 3rd Grade


“It was pretty easy, but vocabulary was pretty hard. I was looking forward to it. I don’t think it made a lot of people nervous.” Girl – 3rd Grade.


“It gets you out of regular school work. I look forward to it, and they have really good snacks.” Boy - 6th Grade.


"I would have to say it was fun but hard. It was fun that we got breaks and that we got to play with Hatch (the dog). The vocabulary questions were my favorite and the easiest." Girl - 3rd Grade.


"It wasn't very hard. I liked the snacks. I liked that you didn't have to answer in complete sentences." Girl - 6th Grade


“I thought it was really fun. It was sort of challenging but not too hard. I liked it.” Girl – 3rd Grade.


"I like testing better than normal work in the classroom. It wasn't that hard, but some things you just had to think about." Boy - 6th Grade.

2017 by Montessori at Sandy Ford. All rights reserved.

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